Daydream Believer
March 8, 2025
Daydream Believer
There I was standing at the base of the launch pad. Several technicians were doing last minute checks on my space suit, making sure the helmet was latched and the commlink was working. Suddenly I heard a female voice calling my name. And giggles. Giggles? I looked up and there standing in front of my desk was my third grade teacher Mrs. Lavender. Yes, that was her real name. The class was watching.
I was in trouble again for daydreaming and being distracted. Why was I in trouble for that? It seemed like nobody wanted me to daydream. “Pay attention!” “Stop daydreaming!” “You’re letting your imagination get the best of you!” What does that even mean?
What Have We Lost?
As soon as we start school we are punished and scolded for daydreaming. When I think about that I have to wonder how many incredible inventions and scientific discoveries were lost because we are discouraged from daydreaming. How many great works of art never made it into the world because we were told to pay attention and stop being a dreamer.
Have you ever been criticized for being a dreamer?
Have you ever criticized others for being a dreamer?
Our imaginations are where great things are born. Albert Einstein was a daydreamer. He called those daydreams “thought experiments.” Look what that did for him and for the world! Nikola Tesla would sit and think and visualize detailed designs for electric motors, remote control devices, and many more of his inventions. That was daydreaming. And yet we discourage it in children. What a loss that is.
Every great invention, every building design, every business idea that ever existed got its beginning as a fantasy. Someone was daydreaming. We have an opportunity to teach our children how to think but instead we teach them what to think.
Here’s My Challenge To You
Allow yourself to sit and think and to daydream. Even if you think you are not a creative person, developing the habit of sitting and thinking every day will bring forward the creativity within you. It’s always been there in everyone. But we are taught to not daydream, to stop living in a fantasy world and to be a good student, don’t be a slacker. This exercise will help you and your business grow.
It's Ok
Ignore the noise. It’s ok to be different. It’s ok to be a dreamer and a thinker. If you have children or if you are a teacher try this experiment. The next time you observe your child daydreaming and not paying attention, stop yourself.
Instead of scolding them for it, ask them what they are dreaming about. It might be amazing!