Being Different

Being Different

November 30, 2024

I know that many of you out there are tired of trying over and over to find success. I get that way too sometimes. Sometimes we try new things but we go about it in the same old way because that’s all we know. Maybe the problem isn’t what you try. Maybe it’s how you go about it that’s the problem.

Tony Robbins is fond of saying “If you do what you’ve always done you’ll get what you’ve always gotten”. He’s exactly right.

Yes, you can look at how other entrepreneurs made their businesses work. You’ll find useful tips and ideas from all of them. Take what you need from each one and use it. But not every tip or idea will be a fit for you. Who thought getting up at 5 am was a good idea? I hear that one a lot. For me that’s lunacy! For you, it might work.

Here’s The Thing

Don’t be afraid to be different! Don’t be afraid to try new things that haven’t been tried before. Everything that works for other entrepreneurs was, at one time, new and different.

An Example From History

Nobody becomes a leader in any area by being the same as everyone else. In the early 1970’s Norman Schwartzkopf, a newly promoted army colonel had ambitions of becoming a general. He knew there was a certain type of command position he needed to fill to qualify for his first star. He did something that others in his position had avoided. At a time when such command positions were very limited, rather than waiting for one to come up he volunteered for a command in Alaska. This is one of those assignments that is not considered “comfortable.” He made the choice to be different. Of course he got his promotion and went on to became a 4 star general and led the military in Desert Storm.


We can make the same type of moves in business or in a job or professional career. Be different. It’s ok to be different. How many times has Elon Musk gone against conventional business practices and managed to create something amazing? Not just once. And not just in one industry. He continues to do it in multiple industries and is doing things that most governments including the U.S. have failed to do.

As entrepreneurs we can choose to be different or follow the same old path. Our scale might be smaller than these examples but the idea is the same. Be different!

Thanks for reading!

Special thanks to:

Momentum Lifestyle Leadership Academy for sponsoring this newsletter. Momentum Lifestyle is a leadership coaching and training community focusing on leadership, self leadership and communication. Communication issues and conflict within a team can bring down a company. We find the simple solutions to those problems for your business whether you are a small or a large team. Join our private community here:

That's it for this time. See you next week!

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